Student Services

Job placement assistance is provided to graduates and students at no additional charge, but the school gives no guarantee of employment nor does the school use placement data as an incentive to entice prospective students to enroll. Communication is maintained between the salon community and the college. Surveys are taken inquiring which salons will be open to employing our graduates. Salons call the college frequently to inquire about our graduates. Training is provided to students on job interview techniques and the development of a resume.ADVISING:
Each of our staff members is genuinely interested in you. Advising is available from people much like yourself, who have met and solved some of the very same problems that you may mow be facing. The staff cannot guess when you may need advising, you are encouraged to request a advising session with any instructor or administrative personal at any time. You will be welcomed on an individual basis. Students are also counseled individually, to review the student’s progress and career advising is also available.TRANSFER and RE-ENTRY POLICY:
Student transferring into this school from another school in the State of California must, present his/her record of withdrawal from the prior school if the student wishes to be afforded credit for prior hours training.Students desiring credit for training from schools out of this state must, submit proof of training to the State Board of Cosmetology for approval. The Board will provide the applicant with acknowledgment of approved credit. In some cases the applicant will be entitled to take the State Board examination in other cases the applicant will be required to enroll in an approved institution in California for additional training.
This institution will recognize approved records of prior training and will give appropriate credit. Students in good standing who withdraw temporarily will be able to reenter training without loss of credit. It is the policy that this school does not recruit students already attending or admitted to another school offering a similar program of study.
ASIAN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY COLLEGE accepts students with minor handicaps, but cannot accept students with major handicaps due to the nature of the profession. Our school complies with all state and local requirements regarding facilities for the handicapped.CHEMICAL DEPENDENCY REHABILITATION:
Under the 1986 Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, school is required to have a program or plan of drug prevention in effect as of July 1, 1987. This program must be available to students as well as to staff members. A school may approach one or more organizations that assist the general public (hospitals for example) with drug problems. That organization may give them the name of an official that can be contacted, the school would then be considered to be in compliance with the drug prevention requirement. In some cases many agencies are supported by the state and the cost to the user may be limited or nonexistent. At this school we are suggesting the use of the following companies for compliance with this new law:Vietnamese Community of Orange County, Inc.
1618 W. First Street
Santa Ana, CA. 92703
(714) 558-6009
Central Drug Abuse Administration
William L. Edelman, L.C.S.W
Division Manager
515 N. Sycamore, Room 113
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 834-2011
Adult students, parents of minor students, and parents of tax dependent students, have the right to inspect, review, and challenge information contained in their education records or those of their minor or tax dependent children. Education records are defined as files, materials, and documents, which contain information directly related to the student and are maintained by the institution. Written consent is required from the student or parent or guardian of the minor student before education records may be disclosed to third parties with the exception of accrediting commissions or governmental agencies so authorized by law. Students are not entitled to inspect the financial records of their parents. A school official must be in the office at all times during the examination of the student files.Students’ records are retained by this institution for a period of not less than five years from the date the student graduates, withdraws or otherwise ceases to be enrolled.
The Barbering and Cosmetology Act “No. 7337:” Every application for admission to examination and licensure shall be in writing, on forms prepared and furnished by the board. Each application shall be accompanied by the required fee, and shall contain proof of the qualifications of the application for examination and licensure. It shall be verified by the oath of the applicant. Every applicant shall, as a condition of admittance to the examination facility, present satisfactory proof of identification. Satisfactory proof of identification shall be in the form of a driver’s license or identification card, containing the photograph of the person to whom it was issued, by any State, Federal or other government entity.”DROP OUT POLICY:
You may cancel your enrollment contract, and receive a full refund without any penalty or obligation, through midnight of the fifth business day, after the first day of class. If you cancel, any payment you have made will be returned to you within 30 days following the school’s receipt of your cancellation notice.REMEMBER, YOU MUST CANCEL IN WRITING:
You do not have the right to cancel by just telephoning the school or by not coming to class. To cancel the contract for school, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of the Cancellation Notice, or other written notice, or send a telegram to:
Asian-American International Beauty College, 7871 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CA. 92683.
If you received any equipment from the school, which the enrollment contract indicates you must return if you cancel enrollment, you must return the equipment within 30 days of the date you sign a cancellation notice or otherwise request cancellation. If you do not return the equipment within this 30-days period, the school may deduct the amount the school paid for the equipment from the refund amount due you and you may keep the equipment.
Academic transcripts will be available to dropout students within 48 hours of the students’ official notification to the school of his/her withdrawal from school. For additional information see the refund policy in this catalog and/or ask the school administrator for additional information.
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